Voice to Relay

Standard telephone users can easily initiate calls

7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2988

User Voice ImageStandard telephone users can easily initiate calls to TTY users. The relay operator types the hearing person's spoken words to the TTY user and reads back the typed replies.

  • Dial 7-1-1 (or 1-800-735-2988).
  • You will hear a voice recording telling you to press "1" to make a relay call.
  • Give the relay operator the area code and telephone number you wish to call and any further instructions.
  • The relay operator will process your call, voicing exactly what the TTY user is typing and typing your response back to the TTY user.

Tips for Hearing Callers

  • Be sure to talk directly to your caller.
  • Avoid saying "tell him" or "tell her."
  • Say "GA" or "Go Ahead" at the end of your response.

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How Does Voice to Relay Work?

How Does Voice to Relay Work?

1. Voice user speaks to relay operator. 
2. Relay operator relays voice user's spoken words by typing them to TTY user. 

3. After voice user says "Go Ahead" or "GA", it is TTY user's turn to respond. 
4. Relay operator voices TTY user's typed message back to voice user.