Relay Texas offers Spanish relay service for our Spanish-speaking customers. TTY users type in Spanish and their conversations are relayed in Spanish or English to the called party.
Texas le ofrece el servicio de relevo a nuestros clientes en español. Los consumidores de TTY pueden escribir por máquina en español y las conversaciones serán retransmitidas en español y inglés.
7-1-1 or 1-800-662-4954
Spanish-to-English Translation
7-1-1 or 1-888-777-5861
How Does Spanish Relay Work?
How Does Spanish Relay Work?
1. TTY user types her conversation in Spanish to relay operator.
2. Relay operator then voices the typed message in Spanish to voice user.
3. Voice user talks in Spanish.
4. Relay operator relay voice user's spoken words in Spanish by typing them back to TTY user.